Program description
New Clothing & Shoes for Children Living in Poverty
Dress the Child was founded in 1984 with the sole purpose of providing new clothing and shoes to children living in the poorest families in Dona Ana County. Many if not most of these children have never had new clothes and have never had the opportunity to shop for clothes that are appealing to them. The founders, volunteers and school partners believe that children who do not have adequate clothing can’t help but have lower self esteem than other children, tend to perform poorly in school and suffer from other social issues. We believe that providing these children with new clothes will result in better self worth, an improved opportunity for scholastic success and an opportunity for a better life.
The Las Cruces Public Schools and the Gadsden Independent School District select the children. School district personnel see the children every day and know the children who are in the most desperate need.
The program funds $100 per child for the purchase of new clothing and shoes. We take the children shopping during the best sales and since our program is a tax exempt 501-C-3 organization, our kids take home between $125 and $150 worth of clothes.
Dress the Child is operated 100% by volunteers and there are no administrative expenses associated with the program. Every penny of every donation goes towards purchasing clothing and shoes for the children.